Friday, May 18, 2012

Open Gym and a Mizuno Opportunity

Good to see so many girls at the Kang Open Gym last night. Lots of fun and camaraderie. No sign of the coach, but I suppose they can't coach anyway, right? I'd sure be spending this time of year figuring out who my varsity leaders and up and coming underclassmen were by watching them play, but that's just me, I guess.

Hey, got this passed along by Chris at Social-Ally:

I am reaching out to you on behalf of Mizuno Volleyball about a new campaign that I believe you and the readers of Club Volleyball Dad  would be interested in. It’s called The Journey which is a contest for young competitive volleyball players from 13-18 in the US as we approach the London Summer Games.

Mizuno is offering a volleyball clinic, conducted by a member of the US Volleyball team, to the player who best showcases his or her journey through a video diary, photograph or essay. Here are all the details for you to check out at:

I'll be heading over to UW to watch some volleyball at the Emerald City Classic next week. Hope to see some of you there!

Happy setting!