Monday, February 14, 2011

Club Volleyball Dad: Should YOUR DD Play Club?

Happy Valentine's Day!

As we exchanged Valentine's Day greetings this morning, I took a moment to reflect on how much I truly love this DD that shares my life. I can't believe that she has only been playing competitive volleyball for a little more than a year now. And what changes they have brought to her! I remember a year ago with Moxie and they made them run lines and do the plank and it drove her to tears. And now she's in a program called FUEL that is really just an hour where we pay for her to be tortured and she eats it up. And it shows! The girl LOOKS like an athlete. Last week she did her 90 minutes of FUEL and went directly to a scrimmage where they played some crazy game with points only after free balls and girls were running all over and there were no breaks and Maddie (being the setter) was involved in every play. At the end of it all she collapsed on the floor and I marveled at how much she has changed. Club has brought her new friends. It has taught her about competing and responsibility and setting goals. So if you ever wonder, as a parent, if you should make the commitment of time and money to let your daughter play volleyball or soccer or swim, do it. You will watch her change before your eyes. And what better Valentine's Day present is there than the knowledge that your child is learning all these lessons and having a good time to boot.

Now only if we didn't have to face WVBA in our pool in this weekend's President's Day Tourney!

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