Sunday, December 27, 2009

Club Volleyball Dead Time

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend; I think work will almost be a relief after all of the parties. Club volleyball seems to have come to a bit of a standstill, but will crank up again with 3 weekly practices starting in the new year. And then before we know it, Power League #1 weekend! We're taking this slow time to get ready: Kate got a new volleyball and is practicing her setting drills and I have been playing with my new DSLR camera and doing research on lenses for indoor action. I've always loved photography but haven't done too many sports events other than some of Kate's soccer games. But now the costs have come down enough and the technology had advanced to the point where I think I'll be able to get some good shots for the blog.

I heard from the ex that the parent meeting was just what I feared it would be: the pushing back of the 'fewer tournament' folks and the abandonment of the tourney schedule I spent days putting together. Apparently we waited too long to get into the first Highline event on 1/10 so that is out. Then we had to cancel the 2/5 Northshore because THAT was full. Switched to a 2/6 event and Kate has the school play. So where my plan called for 3 tournaments by 2/5, we will now have one. They are undecided on the Northwest Jr's March weekend and voted NO on Spokane, so I am done being involved as anything but Kate's biggest fan. I tried to elevate this team with a 'beginner' reputation and was soundly shut down by club and parents. So we'll have a good time this year and hopefully Kate will be in a position to join a more driven club next year. I am pretty sad about how this part of things has turned out. Maybe things will improve....

OK, with that off my chest, let's get practicing!


  1. VBD,

    I wondered if you would have some resistance to creating a more intense schedule. I know many parents who purposely go to Moxie as the program is known to be less intense in its scheduling of tournaments. These parents want their DDs to touch the ball but can't or don't want to make the commitment required by some of the other teams. We've had friends who have been involved with Moxie and really enjoyed the experience as Moxie does work on skills which will serve (no pun intended) Kate well in developing into a better volleyball player and allowing her to seek out a more competitive team in the future, if that is what she wants.

  2. Don't worry... it really is for the best that Kate have a nice, easy first year. If she had made it on a competitive team, since it is her first year in club volleyball there is a good chance she would be spending more time riding the bench than playing. She could also burn out from the pressure of being on a top team. It is best to build up to that kind of pressure gradually.

    During tournaments, watch the coaches for the top teams. If you see a coach that you like, check and see if they give private lessons during the summer and fall. Talk to parents of girls on teams you are considering. Watch the playing styles of the different teams, and see which ones fit Kate's setting style the best. By the end of the season you will have a much better idea which teams will work best for Kate next year. You may even find that Moxie works the best for Kate; it will allow her to play and have a social schedule/hobbies outside volleyball.



Please feel free to add some stories of your own!