Thursday, January 7, 2010

Club Volleyball: Tourney Time

Well, some last minute good news tonight as a team has dropped out of the Sunday event at Highline CC and Kate's team was next in line. The bad news is that we will only have 6-8 girls and they are still learning rotations, so it should be an interesting day. I think we have all the positions covered. Kate was named a starter and co-team captain, so I'm really proud of the hard work she's put in. I knew she was getting serious when she began eating a banana on the way to school instead of a doughnut! Today she walked to school at 7, went to school all day, practiced for the play until 6 and then went to VB practice from 7:30-9:30. Now it's 10:30 and she's doing geometry. I went to work from 7-4, watched football from 5-7 and went to VB practice too where I read a Caribbean Magazine. I am going to have to give her the nod for toughest day! More after the tourney on Sunday!


  1. Good luck to Kate at the tourney. Words of advice:

    1. Bring a chair for yourself. Also as the tourney progresses and floorspace opens up, you will be able to sit in the center area, so you may need something to put under the feet of your chair.
    2. Team food areas are outside, so many people bring a canopy as the covered area is EXTREMELY limited. If you are doing a group food table, bring a table. You can have individual food in the gym, but not team food, coolers, etc.
    3. The Highline CC gym is round and the acoustics are bad. It will be loud, especially if they are using all 6 courts.
    4. There is a Starbucks about 1.5 miles back up the hill off Hwy 99.
    5. If you lose in tournament play, the team will have to stay and ref the next match, so tell Kate to at least make it to the final round, so you can watch her play instead of watch her ref.

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and reactions on your first volleyball tourney.


    Look forward to

  2. If you and your daughter want to see some great volleyball, the upper level of U17/18 will be at Bellevue Community College in the afternoon.
    they are split between BCC adn Jauntia and SU in the morning. My daughter plays for ITVC U17 (we start at jaunita high school but if we when our pool we will be moving to BCC for the afternoon) our team has one of the best setters in the state and she would be fun for Kate to watch. If you ever want kate to meet any of the older girls to talk to her please let me know, my daughter has had some fantastic mentors and they have helped her get to where she is today.

  3. Kate had some other stuff going on but I went over to Juanita and watched IT play Olympia. Setter was #22, correct? Good stuff. I should have asked what your daughter's number and position is! Tall team! I know Maddie would love to chat with your daughter or the setter..she reached out to some of the girls on the UW Team and now chats frequently with them. Girls are cool that way. :)


Please feel free to add some stories of your own!